Environment: development

University of Cambridge

Job Opportunities


Centre for Climate Repair Studentship: Protecting Glaciers - Non Physical Barriers Seabed Curtains

Applications are invited for a PhD Studentship on a Home or Overseas basis, located in the Department of Applied Mathematical and Theoretical Physics. The student will be supervised by Professor Jerome Neufeld and the programme is expected to commence in October 2025. The studentship will be for 4 years and the fees and maintenance are fully funded by the Centre for Climate Repair (www.climaterepair.cam.ac.uk)

Project Description:

With ice in polar regions disappearing at record rates it is important to investigate potential options to keep land-based, glacier ice on land whilst greenhouse gas levels are reduced; not just emissions, but atmospheric levels. A number of glaciers, including the large Thwaites glacier in Antarctica, are at risk of increasing slippage and loss due to warmer water finding its way to the grounding line at the toe of the glacier. The warming of deep saline water currents is increasing the rate of melting of these kinds of glaciers, and thereby increasing the risk of higher rates of irreversible sea level rise.

This project will involve collaboration with the University of Lapland, Aker Solutions (an engineering consulting company based in Norway with a UK office), and a number of other universities who are looking at the possibility of creating physical barriers to impede the flow of deep saline, warm water encroaching upon the grounding line of glaciers. However, this research project will look at different options for reducing the rate of supply of warm water to the base of glaciers.

This project will explore how the creation of bubble curtains or pumped flow might reduce the rate of melting of glaciers. Bubble curtains are already used to contain the debris created in the construction of wind turbines but have not been used in the context of reducing the rate of supply of warm deep saline water to the grounding line of glaciers. Fluid curtains are also used to disrupt exchange flows in other applications, for example overhead air curtains in the doorways of retail environments in high summer to reduce air-conditioning loads.

The project will first involve laboratory experiments and the development of mathematical models to build a fundamental understanding of the fluid mechanics associated with such potential interventions. It is hoped that the project will then expand to outdoor experiments, liaising with organisations working in marine environments such as harbour management entities, in order to test concepts in the field.

Qualifications Required:

Applicants should have a strong 2.1 in a quantitative subject - natural sciences, engineering, mathematics. Previous experience with fluid dynamics will be advantageous.

To apply, please submit an application through the University Applicant Portal: https://www.postgraduate.study.cam.ac.uk/courses/directory/maampdmtp/apply for the course "PhD in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics", naming Professor Jerome Neufeld as the potential supervisor.

This studentship is tied to Girton College therefore the successful applicant will be allocated to Girton College for the duration of their programme.

Applications should be submitted by 16th May 2025. Applications may close early if the position is filled before the advertised date.

Please quote reference LE44694 on your application and in any correspondence about this vacancy.

The University actively supports equality, diversity and inclusion and encourages applications from all sections of society.

The University has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are eligible to live and work in the UK.