Environment: development

University of Cambridge

Job Opportunities


Centre for Climate Repair Studentship: Protecting Glaciers - Melting and flow through snowpack

Applications are invited for a PhD Project on a Home basis, located in the Department of Applied Mathematical and Theoretical Physics. The student will be supervised by Professor Jerome Neufeld and Co-Supervised by Dr Katarzyna Warburton. The programme is expected to commence in October 2025. This project is not yet funded but the expectation is that it will be funded by the Centre for Climate Repair (www.climaterepair.cam.ac.uk) for 4 years by the commencement of the programme.

Project Description: The melting of glacial firn occurs at very large length scales, across more than 100km inland from the margin of the Greenland ice sheet. The resultant meltwater ultimately makes its way from the melt region to the ocean either over the glacial surface, or funnelled through moulins and crevasses to the base of the ice sheet where it significantly enhances the sliding speed particularly early in the melt season. As the meltwater percolates through the porous firn it leads to high-permeability pathways which promote flow, and further localise melting. This process occurs in the small pore spaces of the firn, but also at larger scales in the form of rivulets, tributaries and streams which form on the glacial surface. The feedback between melting and flow leading to localisation may ultimately lead to meltwater carving its way through the glacier.

This project would combine laboratory experiments on the melting of idealised porous media with larger scale numerical simulations of the Greenland ice pack. First, warm water will be rained onto a porous matrix of pre-frozen together glass beads on a slope to examine how the flow of the distributed water becomes channelised as the connections between beads opens. Subsequent experiments will utilise crushed ice to examine the flow, melting and hence focusing with initially distributed flow down a slope. Finally, these experiments will be complemented by catchment-scale modelling of melting and flow using Basilisk, and coupled to a hybrid parameterisation of turbulent flow, dissipation and heating, and hence melting in supraglacial river networks. The results will be used to ask how either texturing the surface of the ice, or providing obstacles to channelised flow, might limit drainage to the bed and hence limit ice motion towards the terminus and ocean.

Qualifications Required:

Applicants should have a strong 2.1 in a quantitative subject - natural sciences, engineering, mathematics. Previous experience with fluid dynamics will be advantageous.

To apply, please submit an application through the University Applicant Portal: https://www.postgraduate.study.cam.ac.uk/courses/directory/maampdmtp/apply for the course "PhD in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics", naming Professor Jerome Neufeld as the potential supervisor.

This studentship is tied to Girton College therefore the successful applicant will be allocated to Girton College for the duration of their programme.

Applications should be submitted by 16th May 2025. Applications may close early if the position is filled before the advertised date.

Please quote reference LE44699 on your application and in any correspondence about this vacancy.

The University actively supports equality, diversity and inclusion and encourages applications from all sections of society.

The University has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are eligible to live and work in the UK.